5 Reasons to Hire an Attorney for Your Cannabis Business

Starting a cannabis business isn’t easy. With complex and often conflicting federal and state regulations on the manufacturing, sale, and distribution of cannabis, cannabis entrepreneurs have many unique factors to consider when starting their own businesses

One crucial component to a successful cannabis business is an attorney experienced with the legislation, risks, and trends in the cannabis industry. An experienced cannabis attorney can assist in ensuring your business is adhering to complex state cannabis regulations and can advise on risk mitigation strategies. Read below to dive deep into our comprehensive list of why an attorney is essential to every cannabis business. 

4 Ways Cannabis Companies Can Protect Their Intellectual Property

As the state-sanctioned medical and recreational use of cannabis continues to grow in the United States, so does competition. To stand out in this industry, companies need to build brand recognition or develop novel products. Therefore, intellectual property protection should be a major focus for cannabis companies. Cannabis-based businesses need to safeguard their brand identity through intellectual property protection. Using IP protections like trademarks, copyrights, patents, and trade secrets, business owners can effectively shield their brand from potential IP infringement. Read below to learn how cannabis companies can protect their creative assets and how Ritter Spencer Cheng can help preserve intellectual property.

Everything You Need to Know About Quantum Meruit, Unjust Enrichment, and Promissory Estoppel

Service providers and recipients alike should understand the nuances of contract law, especially regarding unspoken agreements and remedies for a breach. Without an official contract, a quasi-contract forms between two parties based on mutual understanding. In this case, if unfair enrichment occurs on the recipient’s side, the service provider may seek remedy through a quantum meruit, unjust enrichment, or promissory estoppel.

These three remedies are for quasi-contractual agreements where the service provider feels that the recipient unjustly benefitted without compensation. Understanding the difference between the three is crucial, and both business owners and their customers should be aware of why an official contract simplifies the entire process. Read below to understand the basics of quantum meruit, unjust enrichment, and promissory estoppel.

Common Legal Issues in the Workplace

Employers must understand what is considered legal in the workplace to respect their employees and operate successfully. As a law firm that practices business and corporate law, Ritter Spencer Cheng is well-versed in the rules that govern a place of employment. With help from an experienced attorney, business owners can avoid common legal issues in the workplace and maintain a decent corporate reputation. Read below to learn more. 

Starting a Side Hustle as a Sole Proprietorship in Texas

A sole proprietorship is an entrepreneur’s simplest business structure in Texas. While there are benefits to consider in the strengthened protection of a limited liability company or a corporation, people starting “side-hustles” often begin with a sole proprietorship. This simple method allows the new business owner to dip their feet into the pool. Some–through inertia or strategy–may simply continue the structure as the business grows. 

The sole proprietorship initiation process lacks the layers of legal requirements standard in other business structures, but it does involve several steps that business owners should follow. A local law firm, like Ritter Spencer Cheng, can help new entrepreneurs successfully start a sole proprietorship in Texas. Read below to learn how to take the first step in your sole proprietorship. 

The Differences Between Marijuana Legalization and Marijuana Decriminalization

As marijuana laws change nationwide, buzzwords such as “legalization” and “decriminalization” arise in the national discourse. State and local governments debate legalization and decriminalization, which may lead to confusion in distinguishing the two terms. In the context of manufacturing and selling cannabis products, decriminalization and legalization have vastly different implications. Since states have different standards for the legality of marijuana, it is important to know the difference between decriminalization and legalization to avoid conflict and confusion when examining your state’s marijuana laws.

Southern Hostility: Southern States’ Stances on Marijuana

Northern and western regions of the U.S. have propelled the national marijuana reform movement in recent years. From the passing of the Rhode Island Cannabis Act to new developments by The New York Cannabis Control Board, northern states continue to lead recent charges in marijuana legalization.  But for a few exceptions, the Southern states continue to lag woefully behind. 

Southern states have displayed greater resistance to marijuana reform than their northern counterparts. But as the demand for cannabis legalization grows nationally, southern state legislators are taking small steps toward alleviating marijuana restrictions. Read on to explore the South’s stance on the legalization of marijuana state by state.

The Differences Between Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC

As the cannabis community grows throughout the United States, more consumers seek the benefits of tetrahydrocannabinol (“THC”) products. Two of the most prevalent forms of THC on the market today are Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC (“Δ8THC and Δ9THC”)

Δ8THC and Δ9THC present differences in their chemical makeup, impact on the user, production, and legality. Learn more about the key differences between Δ8THC and Δ9THC below. 

3 Things to Know About Bankruptcy Fraud

Filing for bankruptcy should pave the way to a fresh start, but the possibility of bankruptcy fraud dramatically clouds the path toward financial freedom and can allow the debtor’s creditors to recover assets that may have been retained. Read below to discover three essential aspects of bankruptcy fraud and connect with Ritter Spencer Cheng to work with bankruptcy experts.

Are Hybrid Marijuana Strains Legal?

As hybrid marijuana strains become more prevalent throughout the cannabis community, it’s important to discuss the anatomy, use, and legality of the most common strains. Though many are familiar with the two marijuana strains, Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica, it’s crucial to recognize the role of hybrids as well. Read below for a full assessment of the structure and legal status of hybrid marijuana strains in the cannabis industry.