Mixing Cryptocurrency and Bankruptcy

Cryptocurrency has evolved from an obscure virtual niche to a widespread consumer investment. And as more individuals and businesses collect crypto in their digital wallets, issues arise regarding how these virtual currencies are valued and categorized in bankruptcy cases.

Working with a trusted law firm like Ritter Spencer Cheng is the best way to build an understanding of how the bankruptcy process accommodates modern complexities like cryptocurrency. Read on to learn more about how the bankruptcy process addresses cryptocurrency.

The Difference Between CBD and CBG

As one of the most popular and recognizable cannabinoids, cannabidiol (“CBD”) products garner a lot of attention in the markets where they are sold. However, the growing normalization of CBD products has brought attention to a similar product: cannabigerol (“CBG”). One of the major reasons CBG has gained so much interest is because of its similarities to CBD and its potential therapeutic benefits. Both cannabinoids bind the same receptors in the brain and share many beneficial properties. Yet, they have some unique qualities that merit attention.

6 Key Considerations When Expanding into New Cannabis Markets

The cannabis industry has substantially grown in response to significant developments in legalization. As a result, multi-state operators (“MSOs”) and budding entrepreneurs nationwide are entering prospective state cannabis markets. Given the legal intricacies surrounding the cannabis industry, there is much to consider before jumping into starting a cannabis-related business.

When to Hire an Intellectual Property Attorney

Protecting intellectual property helps ensure the business owner maintains the rights to a unique idea, good, or service. Without this protection, a competitor may steal a popular product, or an inventor could lose credit for their product. Sometimes, creators need extra legal help when protecting their intellectual property. An intellectual property lawyer like those at Ritter Spencer Cheng can help investors avoid confusion when navigating intellectual property protection. Before legally documenting intellectual property or hiring a lawyer, it is good to understand what category it falls under and the extent of its protection. 

Everything You Need to Know about Trademark Licensing

Business owners have several options to safeguard their brand. While profiting from sales through a third party, many opt to employ trademark licensing to legally protect their goods and services while trusting a third party to manufacture or sell the brand. With years of experience in various industries, the trademark attorneys at Ritter Spencer Cheng are well-versed in trademark law and can successfully guide businesses through the trademark registration or licensing process. Below, we offer answers to basic questions regarding trademark licensing to provide further insight for anyone considering this avenue.

5 Emerging Psychedelics to Know About

As the emergent alternative substances industry continues to grow throughout the United States, many consumers are turning toward the hallucinogenic effects of psychedelics. Like cannabis, these substances have psychoactive effects that can be used for medical and recreational purposes. 

Given the increasing demand for psychedelics, the industry is seeing an influx of financial opportunities, scientific studies, and legislative changes. Read below to learn about the top emerging psychedelics in the industry.

Everything You Need to Know About Selling Peyote in Texas

With marijuana and hallucinogen use at an all-time high, peyote is beginning to see market prevalence. Peyote has become a popular psychedelic among consumers and investors, derived from potent psychoactive compounds, particularly in the Southwest United States.

As peyote grows in popularity, more individuals and entities are interested in learning about the legality of peyote. Read on to learn everything you need to know about peyote and its distribution.

3 Things Every Cannabis Business Owner Should Know

Entrepreneurs in the cannabis industry face numerous choices that influence the success of their businesses. With so much to consider when building a cannabis company, business owners may easily get lost, confused, or make uninformed decisions that may imperil their business. At any stage of entrepreneurship, the right information could avoid unfortunate legal or financial issues such as bankruptcy. 

From trademarks to financial decisions, a business’ growth opportunities often rely on the decisions made by cannabis business owners. These decisions can be greatly influenced by the knowledge of experienced cannabis attorneys like those at Ritter Spencer Cheng. Read on below to read three things every cannabis business owner should know. 

FDA Takes Action Against Copycat THC Products

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a statement outlining its plan to address concerns about the manufacture and sale of Schedule I drugs in the form of edible products that may be commonly consumed by minors. In a press release on June 16, 2022, the FDA outlined its plan of action to monitor the production of these products and other emerging cannabis-derived products of potential concern to the FDA. 

The products of concern are widely known as copycat products, as they are packaged and labeled to look like popular children’s food brands. Their similarity to specific snacks that are marketed to children places minors at risk of accidental tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, ingestion. Read below to learn more about the risks associated with copycat cannabis products and the FDA’s plan of action to combat their production.